Chockalog Farm


 For you it may be the stress relief you need, the healthy foods you want to feed your family, the beautiful flowers to grace your home, or just the garden you desire without the hard work!

Our CSAs are all that and more! 

2024 Shares are now available to reserve!

Update 3/19/24: Veggie Shares are sold out!

Email to be put on the waitlist in case spaces open up and to be contacted first for next year’s CSA.

The Vegetable CSA

How our unique veggie CSA works:

The crops we grow include green beans, garlic, asparagus, beets, broccoli, cabbage, celery, carrots, collards, cucumbers, eggplant, kale, lettuce, arugula, watermelon, onions, bunching/green onions, leeks, peas, peppers, radish, rhubarb, spinach, summer squash, zucchini, Swiss chard, strawberries, tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, turnips, butternut squash, sage, oregano, chamomile, dill, cilantro, parsley, basil, mint, lemon balm.

Our season goes as long as possible depending on the weather.  You can pretty much depend on June-October with a shoulder season on either end if the weather cooperates.  You will be assigned a day for picking every week (Monday, Wednesday, or Friday).  You can let me know your preference when signing up.

Since this is a pick-your-own CSA, it is priced by household size (the number of people who actually live in your house) as follows:

Single $443 strictly limited to one person in a household.

Couple $773 strictly limited to two people in a household.

Family $1005 this includes any household with two adults and up to 2 children, additional children are $65 each, especially if they are over 12 years old.  If you have a family with 3 small children, let me know and we can likely waive this extra fee.

If you have a situation that does not fit neatly into one of these categories, please let me know and we will figure it out.

Contact me via email for more CSA details.

an example of our no-till techniques using our own beautiful on farm compost